The Golden Delicious are such a great apple we always have a our eyes open for similar apples that are ready earlier in the season. The Smoothee is one of those varieties that helped us accomplish this goal.

Approximate Ripening Date: September 20th
Flavor: Crisp, juicy flesh on the coarser side of fine-grained. Very similar flavor to the Golden Delicious - sweet, mild and rich.
Baking: Holds its shape when baked.
History: A sport of the Golden Delicious apple.
Other: Often referred to as the "Improved Golden Delicious".
Featured Recipe:
Apple Slices
by Kathryn Lapacek
2 1/2 cups flour
1 T sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup lard
1 egg, separated
2/3 cup corn flakes, crushed
5 cups apples, sliced
1 tsp. cinnamon
3/4 cup sugar
Sift dry ingredients, cut in lard as for pie crust. Put egg yolk into measuring cup and add milk to make 2/3 cup. Add a to flour mixture and mix lightly. Roll out half of dough in a 11 x 15 rectangle. Place in pan. Cover center with half of the corn flakes. Add apples. Sprinkle sugar and rest of corn flakes and cinnamon over the apples. Roll other half of dough to fit top and seal edges. Cut vents for steam. Beat egg white until frothy and spread on top of crust. Bake at 400-degrees for 40 minutes.
While hot glaze with the following:
1 cup powdered sugar
2 T lemon juice or almond flavor a