Some of you may have heard me saying on the first day that the boat is no longer at the orchard. My daughter, Pip, has written a story to explain to you all what happened to the boat - enjoy!

The Tale of the Lapacek's Orchard Boat
by Pip Lapacek
There are very special reasons why the boat had to leave the orchard. It was needed for a very important and special quest.
The monkeys rushed into their treehouse searching for the loose floorboard where they hid their bananas. They had just come back from a family doctor visit and had heard something coming from their treehouse. They had to make sure that no one had stolen their bananas as that was the most important thing in their home. There were so many bananas that they filled the trunk of the tree that the treehouse was built on. They looked at the floorboard and saw to their relief that no bananas were stolen. After they looked around the treehouse they noticed that some of their items were out of place. This began to worry them because even though the bananas were the most important thing in their treehouse they still had precious items.
The family of monkeys decided that they would call Lapacek's Orchard for help. It was the first place they thought of.
“Lapacek’s Orchard,” said the person on the other side of the phone.
“Yes, hello, we were wondering if you could possibly lend us your boat for a while?” asked the mama monkey. (Mya)
“Um, I’m not sure about that, let me talk to my mom and dad,” replies the voice and hands over the phone to her mom. “So, what were you saying about our boat?” asks the new human.
“We are in need of a boat for a special mission and this is the first place we thought of that had one that is adventurous enough for the task.”
“Tell me about this mission, please. I would love to know more.”
“Will do, see me and my family survive off of bananas as we're monkeys, and we have reason to believe that our treehouse is being broken into. It wasn’t a very bad issue until this morning when we woke up and checked the floorboard where we keep our bananas. All of the bananas were gone and we couldn’t find them anywhere. There were enough bananas stored there to last us until 2026, 2 years.”
“Oh no that's terrible!! Even though our boat has given many kids lots of memories you are in great need of it so I will lend you the boat for as long as you need it. I believe the kids will understand why you guys needed it so badly.”
“Really?!? Thank you so much!!! We really appreciate it and will give you gifts every year until we find it.” Exclaimed the monkey.
“Oh that would be wonderful! I’d love to see what you find on your adventure! So, do you want to pick it up in the next couple days?”
“Yes, that would work best for us. We will come soon and get it and be on our way. Thank you very much again.”
“Ok, we will see you soon, bye.”
The monkeys arrived at the apple orchard the next afternoon. They had emailed the owners and set up a time for them to dig the boat up. After they got it out of the ground and loaded it onto a trailer they met with the owner's - Kim and Jared Lapacek. The monkeys asked again if they wanted any money for the boat but they declined. “As long as we get yearly shipments of gifts you find wherever you are, we don't need any money. We are very happy to help you guys and be sure to look out for the secrets of the boat,” said Kim mysteriously. The monkeys assured them to do so and started their journey.
“Oh my, I know we are on a very serious and important mission but I’m so excited to see all the places we go and the experiences we get to have. It also makes it all the better to do it with my family!” said the little 9-year-old monkey, Tommy.
“And there's a separate mission!! To find out what the secrets of the boat are!! That could be me and Tommy's small mission during the trip to the bananas!” exclaimed the 7-year-old monkey, Annika.
And so the family of monkeys set off on their adventure.

Pip Lapacek
8th grader
Poynette Middle School
Stay tuned as Tommy and Annika report back on their adventures in the boat.